zwei Tanzperformances von und mit Tänzer*innen der take root company und aus Berlin
am 25. August um 18 Uhr
In 2020 take root was three weeks out from traveling to Berlin to collaborate for a week with Tanz Tangente when the world shut down. After living through the global pandemic, Take Root is finally coming to Berlin in their long over-due concert. Berlin and Other Obscure Dreams (part 2) takes the audience on a journey with pieces created for the original concert of 2020; Airplanes and Elevators, Zusammen, in relation with new works; We Need Not to Settle and The Eighth Stage. All created and played live by Take Root Musical Director, Jon Anderson, Take Root, with their unique visceral movement voice, leads the audience through a world filled with powerful yet vulnerable connection.
Tickets: 8 – 12 € sliding scale
Ticketbestellung unter: info@tanztangente.de