mit Marga van den Meydenberg
in der Werkstatt der TanzTangente
vom 21. & 24.-29. April 2023 (außer an Sonntagen),
jeweils um 15-19 Uhr
In 2015 Marga launched the first of what was to become a series of Pop Up Photo Studios in different parts of Berlin, to interact directly and spontaneously with people on the street. The portraits fill the window of the temporary studio in which she works, capturing the beauty that each individual brings to these unplanned photoshoots and creating an ad hoc exhibition. By now she has photographed more than 800 people in 11 temporary photo studios – in April she will be located in TanzTangente again. You are warmly invited to pop in!
Terminvereinbarung für ein Fotoshooting (ca 60 min)unter: meydenberg@gmail.com
Preis: 40-70 € sliding scale